Released on = October 16, 2006, 11:47 pm

Press Release Author = izmocars

Industry = Automotive

Press Release Summary = Developed by izmocars and presented by Vice President of
Training Dennis Colome, the THISS training package includes a variety of tools
needed to increase sales and profits.

Press Release Body = San Francisco, Oct. 17,2006 -THISS, The Hybrid Internet Sales
System is the newest product brought to market by izmocars. The future success of
your Internet Sales Department depends on it.

Why? The answer is simple. THISS will increase efficiency, organization, sales, and
profits while branding your dealership and creating a more customer friendly image.

This is done through a comprehensive nine day training series spread out over the
course of a year. The system covers the fundamentals of Internet sales and the
science used to increase leads, conversions, and profits. And, although you already
have an active Internet sales department they are not producing to their fullest
capabilities unless they are using THISS. Developed by izmocars and presented by
Vice President of Training Dennis Colome, the THISS training package includes a
variety of tools needed to increase sales and profits. You wouldn't open your
service area without tools, but yet you opened an Internet department with little
more than a few desks and a computer. Now you can give the salespeople the tools
they need to fine tune the department.
THISS includes:

izmomail- the only mailing solution for auto-dealers that provides animated email
templates of all major models.

The Colome Collection- A customized package of 9 emails to be delivered between day
3 and day 45. These emails will generate sales conversions and build strong customer
dealer relationships.

THISS Workbooks- Each of the individual sales people will receive a workbook on each
of the five segments of THISS.
A). The Road to Success
B). First Impressions
C). Get the Appointment
D). Don't Ever Give Up
E). Management Accountability

Individual One on One Workstation Training- Aside from the group training, each
individual will receive workstation training which will cover the guiding principles
of the THISS program.

Demonstrate, Role Play, and Evaluate: Training is an all-win situation. We do not
leave your dealership until each individual has had the opportunity to demonstrate
what they have learned through role playing. Once they have been evaluated they
will receive the THISS completion Certificates.

Management Website- Organization, tracking and managing are some of the key elements
to successful Internet sales. Our research has proven that if you follow the THISS
procedure Internet sales increase. How do you know if everyone is following it? We
make that easy. With our management website your GM or Internet sales manager can
easily track ROI with a 90 minute weekly program. We have developed the program that
gives a manager the tools to follow what his department is doing all week in a short
ninety minutes.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Izmocars 555 Market Street Suite
700 San Francisco, CA 94105-2800
Ph No : 415-694-6000
Email :

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